The NMPAC is the bipartisan political action committee (PAC) of the NMPA, which is registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The funds raised by NMPAC are used to support candidates of the United States Senate and House of Representatives who share the values of music publishers and songwriters.

For more information about NMPAC, please contact Chris Barkley at 202.697.1005 or cbarkley@nmpa.org.

Federal law requires us to receive a completed NMPAC Prior Approval Form before soliciting contributions.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 

What is a PAC?

NMPAC determines which candidates to support based on the following criteria:

  • The candidate has developed a pro-creator, pro-music agenda
  • The candidate is important to our legislative priorities

Does NMPAC favor candidates in political party over another?
No, NMPAC is independent and bipartisan.

How Does the Contribution Process Work?
When NMPAC solicits its member corporations, there is a two-part process:

  1. A representative of the member company must enroll by signing an authorization (also called a “prior approval”) form that allows us to send solicitation materials to a restricted class of employees at the corporation. Note that a corporation may only grant approval to one trade association per year.
  2. Once NMPAC receives the signed authorization form, it will send solicitation materials to prospective contributors within the restricted class of the corporation. Contributors can only give personal funds to NMPAC using a personal check or credit card.

 Who May Contribute to NMPAC?
Individuals in the “restricted class” of an NMPA member corporation*, which includes:

  • Executive and administrative personnel who are paid on a salary basis and have policymaking, managerial, professional, or supervisory responsibilities
  • Families of each of these groups
  • Company’s stockholders

*Member corporations can limit who NMPAC solicits in your company.