by National Music Publishers’ Association | Sep 24, 2015 | First Reads, Media, News, Sound Off
NMPA Head Says ‘Free’ May Work for Pandora But is Devastating to Songwriters: Op-Ed In his editorial in Billboard on Wednesday, Pandora CEO Brian McAndrews writes that this is a transformative period in the music industry. On this we agree. Unfortunately...
by National Music Publishers’ Association | Sep 23, 2015 | First Reads, Media, News
Via Music Row: Songwriters, PROs, and Publishers Unite For Change at NMPA Town Hall Meeting Jessica Nicholson • September 10, 2015 • The National Music Publishers’ Association’s Songwriter Town Hall drew a packed crowd of songwriters, PRO executives and publishers to...
by National Music Publishers’ Association | Sep 23, 2015 | First Reads, Media, News
Via Billboard: SONGWRITERS, STAND UP! Nashville songwriters were encouraged during a National Music Publishers’ Association town hall meeting on Sept. 9 to make their voices heard as the government...
by National Music Publishers’ Association | Aug 19, 2015 | First Reads, Media, News
Via Music Row: Zac Brown Band Gets Knee Deep in NMPA Awards Jessica Nicholson • August 17, 2015 • Zac Brown Band members Zac Brown, Coy Bowles and John Hopkins were recently honored with awards from the National Music Publishers Association during a Jekyll+Hyde tour...
by National Music Publishers’ Association | Jul 24, 2015 | First Reads, Media, Sound Off
Who Wants to Regulate Publishers? Tech-Funded Interest Groups Like ‘Public Knowledge’… Thursday, July 23, 2015 by David Israelite The following response comes from David Israelite, President and CEO of the National Music Publishers’ Association (NMPA). The NMPA is...
by National Music Publishers’ Association | Jun 18, 2015 | First Reads, Media
WASHINGTON, D.C. /June 18, 2015 – Yesterday, before a packed house of music industry executives, musicians and songwriters in New York City, National Music Publishers’ Association President and CEO David Israelite honored Billy Joel with NMPA’s Songwriter Icon Award...